There is a reason why this conference is being held in this city at this time. There's no doubt about it, Christchurch has been through a lot and will continue to do so, as we rebuild our city, homes, businesses and lives. We know how to connect with our communities, be positive and tap into our inner strength and we want to reinforce this and keep it going, through workplaces and the community. Cantabrians are leading the way in positivity and workplace wellbeing by hosting New Zealand's first Laughter Wellness Conference.
Join us for a weekend of laughter, music, amazing speakers and learn how you can integrate laughter and other wellbeing tools into your lives and workplaces to increase health and wellness and decrease stress and illness.
Our speakers …
Coralie Winn, Director and Co Founder Gap Filler
“Playing in the gaps: city-making in Christchurch" Urban regeneration, Gap Filler style, involves volunteers, connecting with your community and exploring what it means to play in urban space. All these things have a profound affect on our wellbeing.
Merv Neal, CEO Laughter Yoga Australia and NZ
"The Science behind Laughter Yoga" Latest research conducted with Deakin University, Monash Health and Southern Health in Australia.
Pat Armitstead, International expert in leadership, engagement and wellbeing. Founder of Joyology – the bridge between human capital and human potential.
“What it means to be fully self expressed” Pat will share with you how she has used the new practice of mBraining, which integrates head, heart and gut brain as tools to tap into more creativity, compassion and courage.
Hannah Airey, Chairperson of Lotus Community Wellbeing Trust, Director Workplace Wellbeing Matters
“Laughter: The glue of humanity?” What if laughter helped create new neural path- ways, creativity, social connectivity as well as boost the immune system, help fight against cancer and increased levels of serotonin and endorphins?
Carsten Grimm, Mental Health Promoter – Mental Health Foundation
“The five ways to wellbeing: Improving your wellbeing can be fun!” The Five Ways To Wellbeing are a set of evidenced-based practices that everyone case use to enhance their wellbeing in everyday life: Connect, Give, Take Notice, Be Active, and Keep Learning. The Five Ways to Wellbeing have been shown to be strongly associated with ‘super-wellbeing’ of those people in the top 25% of wellbeing in New Zealand.
Bruce and Shalani McCrayDirectors of Live Alive Sydney (Shalani: Nurse, naturopath, herbal medicine practitioner, Bruce: Coach and personal trainer)
“The Guts of Wellbeing” Over 2000 years ago Hippocrates said “All disease begins in the gut” today we are just starting to understand the truth in those words. Our gut and our brain are inextricably connected, which means that what we eat can have a very real impact on how our brain functions and how we feel. Similarly, just thinking in particular ways can have a significant impact on the functioning of our gut and so our overall wellbeing. In this presentation, you will learn and experience for yourself just how the brain and gut are connected and the enormous value eating gut friendly food, regular, simple exercise and having a joyful outlook can have on your life.
“Destress Practically” Linda has been involved in training and education for over 35 years, where she has taught personal and practical skills in the corporate field, the Forces and the educational arena. She is now using that diverse depth of knowledge and experience as an International life coach, delivering her philosophies in a fun and informative way using tasters from her supportive series called ‘Success of the Authentic You’.
Malcolm Robertson, MA (HONS) MCLINPSYCH MNZCCP MACBS, Laughter Practitioner
“Mindfulness and laughter” Find out about the neuroscience of laughter and positive emotions and their use in clinical settings with people experiencing mental health difficulties.
$375 Full price
$250 Laughter Leaders/Members
Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea
Musicians Lisa Tui Jonathan and Gareth Edwards (Gareth plays joyful, inspiring songs. There’s two free downloads at his website
Join us on the floor of Gap Filler’s Dance-O-Mat, followed by a brief tour of Christchurch on foot and Gap Filler's unique cycle powered cinema event Saturday evening.
Join us for a weekend of laughter, music, amazing speakers and learn how you can integrate laughter and other wellbeing tools into your lives and workplaces to increase health and wellness and decrease stress and illness.
Our speakers …
Coralie Winn, Director and Co Founder Gap Filler
“Playing in the gaps: city-making in Christchurch" Urban regeneration, Gap Filler style, involves volunteers, connecting with your community and exploring what it means to play in urban space. All these things have a profound affect on our wellbeing.
Merv Neal, CEO Laughter Yoga Australia and NZ
"The Science behind Laughter Yoga" Latest research conducted with Deakin University, Monash Health and Southern Health in Australia.
Pat Armitstead, International expert in leadership, engagement and wellbeing. Founder of Joyology – the bridge between human capital and human potential.
“What it means to be fully self expressed” Pat will share with you how she has used the new practice of mBraining, which integrates head, heart and gut brain as tools to tap into more creativity, compassion and courage.
Hannah Airey, Chairperson of Lotus Community Wellbeing Trust, Director Workplace Wellbeing Matters
“Laughter: The glue of humanity?” What if laughter helped create new neural path- ways, creativity, social connectivity as well as boost the immune system, help fight against cancer and increased levels of serotonin and endorphins?
Carsten Grimm, Mental Health Promoter – Mental Health Foundation
“The five ways to wellbeing: Improving your wellbeing can be fun!” The Five Ways To Wellbeing are a set of evidenced-based practices that everyone case use to enhance their wellbeing in everyday life: Connect, Give, Take Notice, Be Active, and Keep Learning. The Five Ways to Wellbeing have been shown to be strongly associated with ‘super-wellbeing’ of those people in the top 25% of wellbeing in New Zealand.
Bruce and Shalani McCrayDirectors of Live Alive Sydney (Shalani: Nurse, naturopath, herbal medicine practitioner, Bruce: Coach and personal trainer)
“The Guts of Wellbeing” Over 2000 years ago Hippocrates said “All disease begins in the gut” today we are just starting to understand the truth in those words. Our gut and our brain are inextricably connected, which means that what we eat can have a very real impact on how our brain functions and how we feel. Similarly, just thinking in particular ways can have a significant impact on the functioning of our gut and so our overall wellbeing. In this presentation, you will learn and experience for yourself just how the brain and gut are connected and the enormous value eating gut friendly food, regular, simple exercise and having a joyful outlook can have on your life.
“Destress Practically” Linda has been involved in training and education for over 35 years, where she has taught personal and practical skills in the corporate field, the Forces and the educational arena. She is now using that diverse depth of knowledge and experience as an International life coach, delivering her philosophies in a fun and informative way using tasters from her supportive series called ‘Success of the Authentic You’.
Malcolm Robertson, MA (HONS) MCLINPSYCH MNZCCP MACBS, Laughter Practitioner
“Mindfulness and laughter” Find out about the neuroscience of laughter and positive emotions and their use in clinical settings with people experiencing mental health difficulties.
$375 Full price
$250 Laughter Leaders/Members
Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea
Musicians Lisa Tui Jonathan and Gareth Edwards (Gareth plays joyful, inspiring songs. There’s two free downloads at his website
Join us on the floor of Gap Filler’s Dance-O-Mat, followed by a brief tour of Christchurch on foot and Gap Filler's unique cycle powered cinema event Saturday evening.